The X-Files 2: I Want to Believe is the motion picture equivalent of a monstrous turd slowly decaying in an algae-tinged mud puddle. I threw up in my popcorn, which was a small. Dont worry, small is the new large when it comes to movie theater snacks, so it was enough to hold the copious spew that this movie induced. If you are wondering why this review is mostly about puke and popcorn, its because the "movie" that I am "supposed" to "review" is super-concentrated drivel.
There is no discernable plot, most scenes are too dark to see, and Mulder and Scully don't appear until nearly 45 minutes into the movie!!! There are several scenes that don't seem to
make any sense at all (for example, an extended scene of Fox Mulder pumping gas that seems to go on forever..) Several characters are never even given names, and at least a couple of those characters are portrayed by several actors, sometimes with no regard for normally concrete character traits such as, race, gender.. etc. I cannot begin to understand what this means.

I loved the show, I watch every episode as soon as it airs. But this...this was just shit. They phoned this one in folks. Chris Carter should have to go to a concentration camp for this stinking crap-bomb. 100% ass.
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