I want to respond to the numerous emails I got last week pertaining to my review of those two Brendan Fraser movies (and yes I spelled his name wrong before.) I let things get personal and I attacked Mr. Fraser. Lets just say him and I go way back and leave it at that. Sorry for publishing such a biased review. Incidentally, those movies were about as enjoyable as anal sex with a baseball bat. Moving on...

I took my son Jasper (yeah I know...my ex named him) to the Regal for some shit called Hell Boy 2 last night. I only get Thursdays with him and I figure I can kill two birds with one stone and take in a picture while we are together. He gets to have a little fun, and I don't have to pretend like I enjoy this kid's company. (he is constantly talking nonsense.) Anyway, I normally don't go for kiddy shit like comic book movies, but I thought I would give this flick a chance.

Wish I hadn't. The movie reeks. The lead character looks like someone spray-painted Frankenstein and I cannot understand a word the guy says. In fact, the sound at the theater was so low, I don't think I heard much of anything. The other characters in the film have funny faces too. Some look like fish, some look like vampires or something. Look, the thing stinks.

The action made me sick (why do they have to spin cameras around like that anyway?!) and the theater was full of little brats throwing waterballons and stuff. Hell on earth for a grown man. I really have nothing else to say about this picture except that its weaker then a cup of Folger's at church. They really dropped the ball on this one.
1 Flem.
'some look like fish, some look like vampires' therefore it's shite?? I believe it's known as suspension of belief.
In addition, you sound like a wonderful human being. You only ever get to spend thursdays with your son, but you can't stand it cause he 'talks nonsense'? It'll be because he's trying to actual communicate with you, or get some attention from his charming father. Plus, he's a kid.
I hope you rot somewhere, and spare him from getting to know you better.
I'm not sure "Rick Flemming", so called, is real. Either it's a fake Rick Flemming (ala Fake Steve Jobs, only who the hell is Rick Flemming so why would we care?), or it's a put-on personality, possibly with a fake name but maybe real . . . but the reviews and the comments suggest too much self-awareness to believe that the personality isn't manufactured in order to get attention, generate controversy, or something.
Don't be a sucker.
Kevin Willis on Discount Software at softwaresupply.blogspot.com.
PS: Hellboy II was actually a lot of fun.
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