Friday, October 17, 2008

Beverly Hills Chi-wa-wa.

Hey Peepists!
Its so nice to be back online with y'all reporting on movies. Its my passion... My life's passion. My boss Rick Flemming is only on the second of 12 steps, so I am gonna be taking over for quite some time...
This weekend I had the absolute pleasure of seeing Beverly Hills

Chihuahua. This flick had it all. A talking dog (who was just as cute as a button), racist jokes, (I'm a sucker for jokes that celebrate our differences), and the flashy glamour you can only find in L.A. I loved the movie, but I did have an attack of IBS, and had to sit out for a while. Literally!! HAHAHA... So. I don't know whats happening to me. ThiNGs ArE LooKING StrANGE...Um... I have weird thoughts sometimes... Sometimes I get a tickle in my rectum... I picture myself choking the next-door neighbors to death... Mommy? MOMMY?! ARE YOU THERE!??


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you're retarded